我們走在大街上,看到的多的莫過于玻璃門了,,大廈,商店基本上都用玻璃門了,那你知道玻璃門的壽命嗎?玻璃門采用的玻璃是鋼化玻璃,我們所不知道的是,鋼化玻璃也有使用壽命,使用時間越長,就越容易發生自 爆,因此我們在購買玻璃門時,一定要注意其使用壽命,以確保使用者的安 全。所以我們如何知道玻璃門的壽命呢?下面介紹的是奧勝火金屬材料。
When we walk on the street, we see more glass doors. Shopping malls, buildings and shops basically use glass doors. Do you know the service life of glass doors? The glass used for glass doors is tempered glass. What we don't know is that tempered glass also has service life. The longer the service time, the more prone it is to self explosion. Therefore, when purchasing glass doors, we must pay attention to its service life to ensure the safety of users. So how do we know the life of glass doors? The following is aoshenghuo metal material.
一般來說,影響玻璃壽命的因素有兩個,即空氣濕潤和高溫。持續的濕氣可以使玻璃發霉,但在常溫條件下,玻璃發霉的速度非常緩慢,一般要花上幾個月的時間,在正常使用環境中,濕氣很少能持續數月,所以玻璃裸 露在空氣中.

Generally speaking, there are two factors affecting the service life of glass, namely air wetting and high temperature. Continuous moisture can make glass moldy, but under normal temperature conditions, the moldy speed of glass is very slow, which generally takes several months. In normal use environment, moisture rarely lasts for several months, so the glass is exposed in the air
常見的玻璃霉變發生在玻璃堆疊儲存過程中,玻璃在潮濕的倉庫內或露天堆放易發生雨淋霉變。一般說來,無鋼玻璃原玻璃比鋼化后更容易 ,玻璃門使用的基本都是鋼化玻璃,而玻璃物理鋼化就是把玻璃加熱后急冷,改變其內部的分子結構;化學鋼化就是在高溫下使玻璃表面的分子結構發生離子交換;兩種方法都能改變玻璃,所以除了高溫和強烈的化學反應外,在正常使用條件下,鋼化性能不會隨時間而減弱或改變。
Common glass mildew occurs in the process of glass stacking and storage. Glass is prone to rain mildew when it is stacked in a wet warehouse or in the open air. Generally speaking, the raw glass without steel glass is easier than that after tempering. The glass doors are basically tempered glass, and the physical tempering of glass is to heat and quench the glass to change its internal molecular structure; Chemical toughening is the ion exchange of the molecular structure on the glass surface at high temperature; Both methods can change the glass, so except for high temperature and strong chemical reaction, the toughening performance will not weaken or change with time under normal service conditions.
Moreover, the service life of tempered glass can reach decades, but in use, pay attention not to collide with sharp objects. Even tempered glass is still glass, so please use it carefully. If the glass door is cracked during use, deal with it in time, drill a hole at the cracked end to prevent further cracking, and then stick the glass at the opening, Then seal with glass glue to prevent cracking.
下一篇:為了保障肯德基門質量是如何做的呢? 上一篇:感應門在運行期間檢查的要素有哪些?
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